Are Brazil and the U.S. on the Same Page?

 People from Brazil and North America have a lot in common. Cosmopolitan towns like Sao Paulo and Rio in Brazil are influenced by people from all over the world. The way we live is a little different because Brazilians are friendlier. As Brazilians, we're more willing to accept European and American culture than Latin American culture. The main reason most Brazilians don't think of themselves as Latino is that the Hispanic language and society are different from ours. It's a hard truth that might offend people who love Latin culture and people who support unity, but it's still the truth.

Another thing that might be unclear is that America is the name of the whole continent

Not just the northern country, which is officially called the United States of America but is often just called "America." In this way, then, Brazil and the United States are the same. Americans seem to be very proud of their country and say that it's easy to tell that someone is American. They also seem to think that they have a strong sense of national identity. We Brazilians aren't very proud, and our sense of unity comes from the fact that different parts of the country are different from each other. But when we go abroad, we tend to feel united without having to work too hard. It looks like the way Brazilians feel about their country's unity depends a lot on how other people feel. The United States, as a developed country, did everything it could to control inequality by coordinating development across its states. This was done even though each state probably has its own unique culture, so the country may have had some problems along the way but was able to become one cohesive nation in the end.

Different parts of Brazil are not growing at the same rate because Brazil is still a developing country

Because the land area covers a lot of different latitudes, the climate, natural resources, scenery, and history are all very different from one state to the next. There are different types of states in Brazil. Some are developed, like São Paulo; others, like Santa Catarina, have a mild climate and are mostly rainforest; still others, like Amazonas, have almost no cities; and still others, like Brasilia, have their federal capital built in the middle of nowhere with their own unique modern utopian architecture. So it makes sense that each region feels like a completely different country, and people from the same country can barely tell each other apart because they speak such different versions of Portuguese. And if you stop to think about it, the fact that Brazil is such a big, cohesive country after being a Portuguese colony is almost a miracle. After being ruled by Portugal for more than 300 years, Brazil got its freedom in 1822. It kept a monarchical system of government until slavery ended in 1888, and then the military declared it a republic in 1889. Up until 1930, when populist leader Getúlio VARGAS took power, the country was run by coffee producers. From 1930 to 1945, VARGAS was in charge of different types of democracy and authoritarian governments. In 1945, democracy came back, and from 1951 to 1954, the VARGAS government was elected by the people. It lasted until 1964, when President João GOULART was removed by the military. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the military government held dissidents in check and tortured them. They also screened media. The military took over in 1985 and quietly gave up power to civilian leaders. In 1988, the Brazilian Congress passed the country's current constitution. 

With more people than any other country in South America, Brazil is still working to improve its interior through industrial and agricultural growth

After making it through a tough time for global finances in the late 20th century, Brazil quickly became known as one of the world's strongest emerging markets and a major driver to global growth under President Luiz Inácio LULA da Silva (2003–2010). Brazil's rise was shown by the fact that it was chosen to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics, which were the first Olympics ever to be held in South America. But from about 2013 to 2016, Brazil's economy was weak and had high unemployment and inflation. The country didn't come out of recession until 2017. Congress removed Dilma ROUSSEFF, who was President of Brazil from 2011 to 2016, from office in 2016 because she broke Brazil's budget rules in ways that could lead to her impeachment. Her vice president, Michel TEMER, finished out her second term. Operation Lava Jato, a probe into money laundering, found a huge scheme of corruption and charged several well-known Brazilian politicians with crimes. Former President LULA was found guilty of taking bribes and went to jail from 2018 to 2019, but in 2021, his conviction was overturned.


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